

Now you can get rid of the guess work and the excuses with elastics. The ElasticCard™ puts your clear instructions in patients’ and parents’ wallets like a credit card. What could be more practical?  

  • Heavy cardstock holds up and conveys a sense of value like credit cards.
  • Young patients love them and even ask for them by name.
  • The improved elastic wear reduces the drain on your time, efforts, and bottom line.
  •  The ElasticCard reinforces those factors that the patients control -- homecare, keeping appointments, breakage and elastics wear.
  • You can write on it with just about any pen.

  • Patients and parents can tell you on the phone exactly what elastics they are wearing.

  • A small investment saves a fortune in treatment time overruns.

Description: Front: Diagram of teeth/brackets. Back: 4 things for faster and better results.

Product ID: EC

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  • $ 0.35
  • ea or less in quantity